During my first week of induction I kicked off my performing arts/drama level 3 course with a good chance to get to know my class mates through a quick naming circle, and a quick laugh. I gained a chance to get involved in a class drama exercises, the aim of which was to
steal the focus of the audience through positioning and physicality. During the focus exercise I positioned myself centre stage directly in front of Dan, I struck a confident pose full off sass and power. this was achieved through looking directly at the audience with a focused facial expression and a large outspread body position which pulled focus. On Thursday I had a morning session with Jill, which we focused on physical theatre and fitness. During this class we did warm ups and exercises which worked our muscles to improve our fitness. I learnt from Jill that "If you're not fit someone
will steal your job!" Lastly one of the tasks of the week which stood out was the breathing exercises with took part in with Dan, this involved diction work and breathing exercises.
During the vocal session we did some tricky toung twisters, like this:
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