Thursday 14 November 2013


After contemplation over the performance on Wednesday I can confidently say that I was proud of the work we showed to the audience. During the show its self I will admit that there where minor hiccups, such as noisy chairs and some people entering the lit stage at the wrong moment. All of these issues went in unnoticed and overall the show ran smoothly. The most difficult part of the performance was moving the chairs in complete silence, as it brought up issues such as wrong placement, hitting people with chairs and difficulty finding the black chairs in the dark, I think we managed this problem well through moving slowly and precisely and it wasn’t too much if an issue for the show. My favourite work in the show was the gorilla scene as it was very comical and evoked a strong laugh from the audience. I think through adding the banana and vocal sound effects like the whistle and creeping noise the piece was improved as it became more engaging for the audience and removed awkward silences. I thought the audience where fantastic during the show as they laughed a lot, and sat with complete concentration in more serious sections of the work. After the show my dad said “it was weird, and I didn’t get some of it… but I liked it.” This shows me that the work got the audience thinking and trying to work out what some of it was supposed to represent, it always shows that the performance was interesting and enjoyable which was my overall ain for this work. If I was to redo the performance I wouldn’t change a lot but I would try to elongate to motifs and make the transitions more interesting through changing the proxemics of the piece, I would do this because it would tidy up the work and remove unnecessary blackouts during the performance.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Your blog definitely improved as it went on and you have become better at reflecting and evaluating in print - I know that you can express yourself verbally - and there is a lot of good evidence here of how the piece developed from ideas and workshops into performance.
